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Frequently Asked Questions

Check out some of the top questions we receive, along with our responses.


Where can I purchase Friedrich Products?
Our interactive Dealer Locator lets you search by zip code for the dealer, distributor or servicer nearest you. 


I'm renovating and don't want to run ductwork. What cooling options do I have?
That depends on how many rooms need to be conditioned. For a single-room addition with exterior walls and windows, a window, through-the-wall or single zone ductless split installation is a good choice. For multi-room additions, or if you don't have windows or exterior walls, consider a ductless split system. Like a central air conditioner, ductless split systems are two-piece systems with one part outdoors and one (or multiple) indoor units that distribute the conditioned air. Indoor units typically mount high on a wall or, occasionally, in the ceiling or on the floor. Multi-zone ductless systems can condition up to four spaces with one outdoor condensing unit. For more information, see our product detail pages for Window Units, Through-the-Wall Units, or Ductless Split Systems.
Are there air conditioning options for spaces without an exterior wall?
Absolutely! One of the best options is a ductless split system, because the indoor unit can be mounted virtually anywhere. Depending on the system, the indoor and outdoor units can be separated by up to 164 feet with maximum height differences of 98 feet. So even if the rooms that need cooling are located in the building's interior or on separate floors, there may be a Friedrich ductless system that will fit the application. For more information, see our product detail pages for Ductless Split Systems.


Why is it important for an air conditioner to dehumidify?
Air conditioners keep you comfortable by removing heat and moisture from the air. To do both effectively, the unit must be properly sized for your space. If the capacity is too low, you may never feel quite cool enough. When the capacity is too high, the unit produces so much cold air so quickly that the room reaches the desired temperature before the unit has adequate run time to dehumidify. The result is a cool but clammy room that can feel just as uncomfortable as one that is not cool enough.
What is a heat pump?
Air conditioners keep you comfortable by removing heat and moisture from the air. To do both effectively, the unit must be properly sized for your space. If the capacity is too low, you may never feel quite cool enough. When the capacity is too high, the unit produces so much cold air so quickly that the room reaches the desired temperature before the unit has adequate run time to dehumidify. The result is a cool but clammy room that can feel just as uncomfortable as one that is not cool enough.
How loud are your AC units? Where do I find decibel ratings?
There are lots of things to consider when it comes to the sound of your AC unit. While there are a few standards to measuring sound for an AC unit, it's not regulated so it's difficult to measure apples to apples from one manufacturer to another. Another consideration is sound quality or tone. Some tones are considering pleasing to the ear like a fan, or other white noises.  A decibel rating will not take into account pitch.  Friedrich is constantly working on sound improvement on our units, whether it be the volume or tonality.  Because true sound measurement is difficult to address in decibel ratings, Friedrich typically does not publish that information. Some sound testing information may be available upon request.   

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